This is a story!
Starting 30 years ago, we tell it in bite sized chapters with some history and orientation. This is how our evolved, integrated conservation development impacts positively.
Empowering Communmities
Enabling Conservation
Wild Impact (formerly known as Africa Foundation) was born out of the belief that, through effective consultation and collaboration, with legitimate local leadership in place, rural communities are empowered, to develop on a successful and sustainable scale.
Through this methodology Zuka Private Game Reserve partners Africa Foundation to support programmes that positively impact community development balanced symbiotically with wildlife and wilderness conservation.
Involved since its inception in 1991, Tara and Jessica Getty serve Africa Foundation as advocates, trustees and donors across the full scope of its African geography and programme portfolio.
Africa Foundation, together with government, committed communities and generous donors, has facilitated the socio-economic development of rural communities that immediately surround Zuka Private Game Reserve and further afield; operating in a total of 73 communities, as well as land and seascapes in South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, and Tanzania.
“The ocean’s power of regeneration is remarkable ….if we just offer it the chance.”
~ Sir David Attenborough ~
We are passionate about the world’s oceans! In 2018 we partnered with three other families and founded Ocean Family Foundation.
We feel an energised responsibility to conserve the marine world by funding
and actively supporting a variety of sustainable programmes that protect the
rich biodiversity of the world’s largest and most important
wilderness – our life supporting oceans.
Zuka Private Game Reserve is a rare location which borders Isimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site that extends over more than one million hectares of terrestrial and marine areas combined. Zuka Private Game Reserve is inextricably linked to the Indian Ocean; our diverse habitats reflect this close proximity to the ocean.
We believe our connection to the ocean and engagement as families will catalyse our children to be the intelligent solutionaries and the behavioural shift nature is telling us it needs.
Our Multifaceted Ecology Venture
Zuka Private Game Reserve is home to Getty Asterism.
With our team of passionate ecologists and their bold, scientific minds,
we are researching, developing, experimenting and publishing!
Getty Asterism works on soil health, the world of microbes, grasses, endemic plants, rare habitats, habitat restoration and carbon storage; pioneering programmes and sharing solutions and knowledge.
Getty Asterism is how we facilitate, fund and offer opportunities to the stellar brains and unlimited potential of young scientists as they pursue their passion in ecology research and the implementation of systems essential in maintaining a healthy living planet.
“People can achieve great things. The next ten years present us with one of our greatest tests – a decade of action to repair the Earth.”
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